
We make the miracle of life the priority again

With an optimum all-round package

SWICA has made it its mission to make your health a priority again. This includes outstanding care during pregnancy, with pregnancy exercises, antenatal classes and acupuncture, as well as antenatal baby massages, baby swimming sessions, postnatal exercises, pelvic floor exercises and breast feeding advice. If you have any questions, the doctors and medical professionals at our santé24 telemedicine service are there for you 24/7, 365 days a year

Your health. Our priority.

Discover offersCalculate your premiumsAsk for advice

SWICA offers family discounts for children and young adults.

  • Children: A premium discount of 76% is available for the first two children and 90% for all further children, based on the adult premium for basic insurance.
  • Young adults: aged 19-25 receive a 12% premium discount.

Calculate premiums quickly and easily online

Whether it involves basic or supplementary insurance, you can put together your individual package and calculate your personal discount of up to 15% (learn more) in the BENEVITA bonus programme on selected supplementary insurance plans.

santé24 – telemedicine advice 24/7

The doctors and medical specialists at santé24 are available around the clock to provide free advice on all health-related questions. Counselling is free of charge for SWICA customers.

Maternity benefits at a glance

SWICA contributes towards the cost of baby massage, homeopathy and Bach flower therapy. SWICA also contributes towards the cost of non-standard vaccinations. In addition, you receive a breastfeeding voucher to the value of 200 francs.

Maternity involves numerous examinations both before and after the birth. To ensure that mother and child receive comprehensive care and are financially secure, there are no co-payments for maternity benefits.

  • Antenatal courses (CHF 150 towards group courses delivered by a midwife)
  • 7 antenatal checkups
  • 2 ultrasound examinations
  • 1 postnatal checkup
  • 3 sessions in which midwives or other specially trained staff provide breastfeeding advice
  • For high-risk pregnancies, the interval between examinations is based on clinical need.

The COMPLETA TOP, COMPLETA FORTE and COMPLETA PRAEVENTA offer more extensive, comprehensive benefits in the context of antenatal preparation, support and aftercare:

  • CHF 200 breastfeeding allowance per child
  • In-depth breastfeeding advice if desired or required (e.g. in the event of breastfeeding problems)
  • Complementary treatment to help with pregnancy, such as acupuncture for morning sickness or pain, pregnancy massages for back pain. If administered by recognised doctors and therapists without a rate agreement, SWICA pays up to CHF 80 per hour (learn more).
  • Learning postnatal exercises as well as the hypnobirthing method to ease the pain during childbirth, etc. In the case of recognised health promotion services relating to paternity, SWICA covers up to CHF 900* per year, depending on your supplementary insurance plan.
  • Prescribed medicines within the indication
  • Special and medically prescribed vaccinations for the child: 90% of the costs, up to CHF 200 per year (learn more)

*SWICA covers 90% of the costs under your COMPLETA FORTE supplementary plan, up to 300 francs per calendar year. COMPLETA PRAEVENTA covers an additional 50% of the costs up to 300 francs per year. OPTIMA supplementary insurance covers 90% of the cost exceeding this amount, up to a maximum of 300 francs per calendar year. This can result in prevention contributions of up to 900 francs per year.

Mums before and after pregnancy – and soon-to-be fathers – can benefit from the wide range of courses in which applications for the baby can be learnt.

Courses for mothers
  • Pregnancy exercises*
  • Antenatal preparation*
  • Post-natal exercises*

Courses for mothers and fathers
  • Baby massage
  • Homeopathy and Bach flowers for self-application
  • Wraps and compresses


SWICA contributes 50% of the costs up to 500 francs per year (up to 300 francs per type of activity) from the COMPLETA PRAEVENTA supplementary insurance plan and 90% of the costs exceeding this amount up to 300 francs per year from OPTIMA towards health-related services provided by SWICA-recognised providers.
Overview of health promotion and preventive healthcare offering

* with SWICA-recognised course leaders

SWICA supports your baby's development right from the start.


  • Special / prescribed vaccinations
  • Baby swimming

HOSPITA PLUS enables your child to switch to semi-private or private hospitalisation insurance at any time from birth up to the age of 40, without the need for a medical examination. With HOSPITA PLUS, a medical exam is required when you take out the insurance.

santé24 – your Swiss telemedicine service

Medical help around the clock: The doctors and medical specialists at santé24 are there to offer you expert advice on all questions relating to prevention, illness, accident and maternity – in four languages, around the clock, 365 days a year.

Home Nanny

Perhaps your child is ill or recovering from an accident and you have no one to look after it for you? The Home Nanny service would be delighted to step in and help. It offers professional care for children and takes the pressure off parents because they know their child is in good hands.

Benefit now from personal advice and switch over easily

Do you still have questions or are unsure what is the right insurance for you? SWICA’s advisors will be glad to help you find just the right type of cover. Feel free to stop by or to call or write to us – we look forward to hearing from you.

By the way, changing your health insurer is easier than you may think. SWICA's customer service staff will be glad to help you make the change as smooth as possible.

Call toll-free at 0800 80 90 81

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Calls are returned during business hours.

* Compulsory field

What our customers have to say.

Mijin Cavallini
«As a mum and midwife I find that SWICA offers great maternity-related benefits and services. Already during pregnancy SWICA provided support with acupuncture, which helped me a lot. And after the birth they were always there for us, which meant I could enjoy the time with my baby.»
Daniel Henke
«For our family, only the best is good enough. Thanks to SWICA, we were able to enjoy the first hours and days together in a family room after our daughter was born. It’s wonderful and reassuring to know that, if anything happens, we as a young family are in good hands with SWICA.»
Ali Tuygu
«It was at Christmas. We were abroad and had forgotten to take our little daughter’s medication with us. Thanks to sante24 we were able to pick up the medication at the nearest pharmacy. You can always rely on SWICA and sante24!»
Bettina Spanudakis
«As the mother of a 3-year-old I’ve already contacted sante24 several times about ‘childhood illnesses’. I don’t like running to the doctor about every little thing. The initial telephone assessment and expert advice have generally been so good that I haven’t needed to bother our paediatrician.»
Adriana González
«When things got really difficult, SWICA was there for us. When my son was only one day old, he was transferred to the university hospital because it looked like he needed to have abdominal surgery. Because I have private insurance with SWICA, I was able to stay overnight in the hospital and breastfeed my son, which was certainly very important in the first days of his life.»
Adrian van Velsen
«For a long time I resisted the idea of switching to a new health insurer. Then I gave SWICA a chance and was blown away: I had never experienced such quick, personal and professional contact in the 20 years that I was with my old insurer. This initial contact with SWICA confirmed for me that I’ve now found the right health insurer.»