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Rhubarb mascarpone cream with home-made amaretti

Recipe for 4 persons

Time: 2 hours, including waiting time

400 g rhubarb
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp water
250 g mascarpone
2 tbsp sugar
250 ml cream
3 drops bitter almond flavouring
90 g icing sugar
55 g ground almonds, blanched
15 g egg white
15 g egg white
icing sugar

How to make it
Bring sugar and water to the boil, add the peeled and sliced rhubarb and simmer until just tender. Allow to cool completely.

Stir the sugar into the mascarpone. Whip the cream until stiff and fold into the mascarpone.

For the amaretti: Mix the sugar with the almonds, 15 g of egg white and the bitter almond flavouring and blitz quickly in a powerful blender to form a fine paste. Add the rest of the egg white and beat for three minutes. Spoon small dollops of the mixture onto baking paper and dust with icing sugar. Leave to dry for an hour. Using three fingers, press into the typical amaretti shape. Bake at 210 °C for about 10 mins until golden brown. Allow to cool.

Caramelise the sugar and water in a wide pan. Remove the pan from the heat and add the amaretti. Mix everything together and tip out onto baking paper, allow to cool and roughly chop.

You can of course buy ready-made amaretti if you are short of time.

Layer the rhubarb compote, cream and amaretti brittle in small glasses or bowls, finishing with brittle.

Shopping list
400 g rhubarb
150 g sugar
90 g icing sugar
250 g mascarpone
250 g cream
55 g blanched almonds, ground
150 g butter
1 small bottle bitter almond flavouring
1 egg

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