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Rhubarb slice

Magenträs rhubarb slice with rhubarb compote, rhubarb yoghurt ice-cream, rhubarb jelly and rhubarb carpaccio

Recipe for 20 pieces


125 g fine oat
60 g white flour
125 g sugar
1 knife tip salt
175 g melted butter
1 1/2 tsp cinnamon
Mix and stir all the ingredients, cool for 15-20 minutes.


150 g butter
175 g sugar
30 g Magenträs (flavoured sugar from the region)
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs
300 g white flour
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp baking powder
2.25 dl buttermilk
500 g rhubarb
powdered sugar for dusting
Stir the butter until small peaks form. Add the sugar, Magenträs and salt and then stir. Add the eggs and keep stirring until the mass has a light colour. Mix the flour, baking soda and baking powder and sieve it over the dough. Add the buttermilk to the dough.

Spread the dough in a prepared baking sheet. Place the rhubarb on top. Sprinkle it evenly with the crumble.

Bake on lowest rack in preheated oven at 180°C for 45-50 minutes. Possibly cover with tin foil at the end. Dust with powdered sugar; cut into pieces. You can serve it either hot or cold.


You can order Mageneträs from the following address:

Rhubarb compote

500 g rhubarb
1 vanilla pod
6 tbsp sugar
Peel the rhubarb and cut it into small cubes. Put rhubarb peel in pan and just cover with water. Heat to boil and let it sit. Halve the vanilla pod lengthwise, scrape out the marrow. Put the rhubarb, vanilla pod, marrow, sugar and liquid from the rhubarb peel in a pan, bring to a boil, switch off the stove, and let it cool.

Rhubarb yoghurt ice-cream

250 g plain yoghurt
250 g sour cream
8 tbsp rhubarb sirup (from compote)
1 lemon, grated peel
1 tbsp lemon juice
Thoroughly whisk all the ingredients together and freeze in the ice-cream machine for approx. 30 minutes.

Rhubarb jelly

500 g rhubarb stock (from compote)
7 g agar-agar (gelling agent)
Heat 380 g of the rhubarb stock with the agar-agar and then let it cool. Mix the remaining liquid with a mixer.

Rhubarb carpaccio

200 g rhubarb
sugar mix (50 g water / 50 g sugar, heated)
Cut the rhubarb into thin slices. Place the strips close to each other and use a cutter to make round shapes of various sizes. Marinate lightly with the sugar mix.


Dust the shapes with powdered sugar. Place the slices and carpaccio next to each other in the middle of the plate. Put some compote on the carpaccio and add a dollop of ice-cream on top. Decorate the plate with dabs of rhubarb and garnish it with the compote.

Shopping list

1.2 kg rhubarb
1 lemon
325 g Butter
2 eggs
2.25 dl buttermilk
250 g plain yoghurt
250 g sour cream
125 g fine oats
360 g white flour
30 g Magenträs (flavoured sugar from the region)
baking soda
baking powder
1 vanilla pod
agar-agar (gelling agent)
powdered sugar

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