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Sushi rolls from Ticino

Recipe for 4 persons


Wash 250 g of rice in a bowl under running cold water. Rinse it at least five or six times and then wash it well by hand until the water is clear. Let the rice soak in water for 15 minutes and then let it drip-dry in a sieve for another 15 minutes.

Preparing the dressing:

Pour the rice vinegar into a pot and add the sugar and salt. Heat up (don’t boil) the mixture to dissolve the sugar. Let it cool.

Put the rice in a reasonably big pot, cover it fully with water, put on a lid, and bring it to a boil on medium heat. Take off the lid only once the rice is cooked. Once the rice water boils, let it cook lightly for five minutes at medium heat. Keep it covered throughout. Lower the heat and let it cook gently for eight to ten minutes. Turn off the heat and let it sit for another 10 minutes with the lid on. Use a cooking spoon to spread the rice onto a baking tin by carefully adding the rice vinegar mixture. Make sure the rice grains remain whole. Once the rice has cooled to room temperature you can use it for the next step. The rice is now translucent.

Press the cottage cheese through a sieve, add the Philadelphia cream cheese and season it with salt and pepper and a few drops of lemon juice. Put the mass into an icing bag. Spread out the dried meat on 12 cm x 18 cm of cling foil so that the strips overlap. For wetting your hands, prepare a bowl of water to which you add one to two tablespoons of rice vinegar. Wet your hands and then spread the rice onto the dried meat and put a thin layer of rocket leaves on top. Squeeze some of the cheese dressing on top and press the whole thing into a tight roll. Make the knife wet before you begin cutting the sushi rolls. Serve the sushi rolls on rocket salad.


You can use wild garlic or basil instead of rocket leaves.


You can use sushi rice instead of «Terreni alla Maggia» risotto rice.

Shopping list

250 g Reis Loto «Terreni alla Maggia»
350 g Wasser
50 g Reisessig
1 TL Zucker
1 TL Salz
100 g Trockenfleisch
150 g Formaggino aus dem Muggio-Tal oder Frischkäse
50 g Philadelphia
5 g Zitronensaft
40 g Rucola
Salz und Pfeffer

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