Barley salad with air-dried beef and roasted cauliflower
Recipe for 4 persons
Time: 45 minutes
100g barley1 cauliflower
70g radishes
10g chives
100g air-dried beef
5g mustard
100g yoghurt
15g white balsamic vinegar
lemon juice
cherry tomatoes
radish sprouts
carrots, green
rockets sprouts
pine nuts
Cook the barley in salted water for about 25 minutes until tender, then drain and let the barley cool slightly.
Cut the cauliflower into small florets and fry in butter until they turn a light brown colour. Season with salt. Set aside approx. 2 tablespoons of florets for the garnish. In the meantime, finely chop the radishes, air-dried beef and chives. Combine the mustard, yoghurt and white balsamic vinegar and add the finely chopped ingredients. Finally, season the salad with salt, sugar, pepper and lemon juice.
For the garnish, briefly toast the pine nuts and cut the cherry tomatoes into quarters.
Arrange the barley salad in a ring and garnish with some cauliflower florets, cherry tomatoes, pine nuts and herbs.