
SWICA preventive healthcare posters ‒ because health is everything

Mutual respect, the willingness to change and a healthy portion of self-care: these are just a few factors that make an inspiring work environment. These SWICA posters will help strengthen and anchor awareness of health and preventive healthcare within your company.

Why opt for preventive healthcare posters?

  • Thanks to their practical A3 format, the posters can be hung up anywhere ‒ in the office, in a meeting room, in the manufacturing area, near the printer or in the cafeteria;
  • They give a clear message;
  • Encourage behaviour that promotes good health and
  • Support a healthy corporate culture.

The posters for your company are free of charge.

How do you place an order?

  • From the 12 posters available, choose the ones that best meet your company's needs.
  • Use our online form to order the selected posters. Minimum order: 3 posters. It doesn't matter if it's three of the same or three different posters.
  • Once you have placed your order, SWICA will send the posters by B-Post.
  • Note: Shipping only possible within Switzerland.


Working together for health

Together we can contribute to a healthy work environment. Invest in occupational health management and motivate your employees to adopt healthy lifestyles.

Do you have questions about our comprehensive OHM services, or would you like a personal consultation? SWICA's OHM team would be delighted to help you. Call +41 58 800 99 33 or complete the contact form. You can also ask to be contacted directly when you order posters.

Overview of all preventive healthcare posters

Order form

Please order a minimum of three posters, regardless of whether it's three of the same or three different themes.
The complete set
The complete set with all 12 posters
Individual themes
1. Exercises in everyday life
2. Exercises for the over-30s
3. Nutrition
4. Wellbeing
5. Stress
6. Sleep
7. Laughing
8. Digital Mindfulness
9. Conflicts
10. Communication
11. Appreciation
12. Change
Shipping address
For any queries
We would also like more detailed information on SWICA's OHM services.

* Compulsory field

What our customers have to say.

Birgit Schmidinger
«We always want to offer our customers the best products. To achieve this, we need qualified employees who are willing to work hard. This means that effective occupational health management is indispensable in the Hilcona Group. Investing in occupational health management makes sense for us and is key to the sustained success of the business. We therefore appreciate the professional support we receive from SWICA. Perfectly rounded off by a precisely tailored training offer and competent trainers.»
Daniel Strub, Bell Schweiz AG
«We have worked closely together with SWICA for many years now. As a production company with a lot of physically demanding work, the health of our employees is our top priority. SWICA provides us with professional advice and assistance in all matters relating to occupational health management.»
Barbara Behtan, Phoenix Mecano Komponenten AG
«SWICA has been with us on our journey to introduce optimum occupational health management at Phoenix Mecano Komponenten AG right from the start. With its outstanding expertise, SWICA operates as our reliable partner wherever necessary. Thank you for the excellent working relationship.»

SWICA – No. 1 for customer satisfaction in multiple rankings