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Parsnip foam soup with venison and pear

Recipe for 4 persons

Parsnip soup

300 g parsnips
30 g white onions
5 g rapeseed oil
1 l water
250 ml full-fat milk
Salt / pepper
Freshly squeezed lemon juice

Wash, pat dry and peel the parsnips. Place the parsnip peelings in a saucepan with 250 ml water, cover and slowly bring to the boil. Either turn the hotplate to the lowest setting or turn it off and steep the parsnip peelings for approx. 30 minutes to make a stock.

Now chop the parsnips into 1 cm cubes. Finely chop the onions. Heat the rapeseed oil in a pan and cook the onion until it becomes glassy. Then add the cubed parsnips and sauté gently. Add 750 ml water and 250 ml milk and bring to the boil.

Simmer the parsnip soup gently for about 20 minutes until the cubed parsnip is soft. Use a hand-held blender to puree the parsnip soup and pass through a sieve into a saucepan. Pass the parsnip stock through a sieve into a bowl.

Reheat the parsnip soup and add parsnip stock until the desired consistency is reached. Season with salt, pepper and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Foam the parsnip soup with a hand-held blender shortly before serving.

Parsnip puree

90 g parsnips
10 g rapeseed oil
15 g onions
75 ml cream
50 ml water
Salt / pepper
Freshly squeezed lemon juice
Parsnip puree: Peel the parsnips and cut into 1 cm cubes. Finely chop the onions. Heat the rapeseed oil and cook the onion until it becomes glassy. Then add the cubed parsnips and sauté gently. Add 50 ml water and 75 ml cream and reduce on a medium heat.

Use a hand-held blender to puree the parsnips and then pass through a sieve into a saucepan. Season with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Pour into a silicon mould (if available) and freeze. Otherwise use two spoons to form quenelles and put aside.

Pickled parsnips

60 g parsnips
50 ml water
50 ml honey herb vinegar
50 g sugar
Pickled parsnips: Peel the parsnips and cut into fine strips. Bring the water, vinegar and sugar to the boil and pour over the parsnips. Allow the parsnips to rest in this stock until cold.

Parsnip crumble

30 g parsnips
45 g breadcrumbs
30 g butter
Salt / pepper
Parsnip crumble: Peel and finely grate the parsnips. Melt the butter in a pan and fry the breadcrumbs and parsnips until golden brown. Season with salt and pepper.

Pear gel

250 ml pear juice
2.5 g agar-agar (gelling agent)
Pear gel: Dissolve the agar-agar in cold pear juice. Then bring to the boil in a saucepan. Leave to cool. Then use a hand-held mixer to puree the mixture until smooth.

Chervil oil

100 g chervil
200 g rapeseed oil
Chervil oil: Finely chop 100 g chervil, heat the oil until it reaches 50°C and mix in the chervil until it has dissolved in the oil. Pour the oil through a fine sieve and store in a cool dark place.

Saddle of venison

320 g saddle of venison
75 g butter
Salt / pepper
Saddle of venison: Place the saddle of venison in a small roasting tin and cover completely with melted butter. Cook in the oven at 62°C for one hour. To serve: fry in a little butter, season with salt and pepper and cut into fine strips.


½ pear
Garden cress
Garnish: Cut the pear into fine slices and pluck small portions of chervil and garden cress.


Arrange the pickled parsnip strips freely in the centre of a deep dish. Place a quenelle of parsnip puree on the side. Now distribute the pear slices, strips of venison saddle, parsnip crumble, chervil and garden cress on top. Place dots of pear gel here and there. Pour over a little chervil oil and fill the bowl with hot foamed parsnip soup.

Shopping list

500 g parsnips
45 g onions
1 lemon
110 g chervil
250 g pear juice
2 pears
1 bowl of garden cress
250 ml full-cream milk
75 g heavy cream
105 g butter
320 g saddle of venison
215 g rapeseed oil
50 g Melfor vinegar
50 g sugar
45 g breadcrumbs
5 g agar-agar (gelling agent)

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