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Health management advice for companies

Electronic data interchange for service providers

SWICA is involved in digitalisation initiatives within healthcare and supports industry standards for electronic data interchange (EDI). The objective of EDI is to exchange relevant data via electronic interfaces in a standardised, machine-readable format, in order to drive forward process automation. This is intended to cut costs and to speed up and simplify processes.

Electronic invoicing

SWICA allows you, the service provider, to issue electronic invoices using the tiers payant (TP) system. This means that SWICA settles your invoices directly and claims back any co-payments from the patient. This brings a number of advantages:

  • System-based invoicing is cheaper than using the postal system.
  • SWICA tends to pay invoices faster and bears the collection risk in relation to patients.
  • There are efficient communication channels in place between the payer and the service provider.

Are you interested in securing these advantages for your organisation? You will find further details about getting started and the invoicing process below.

Electronic invoicing

Technical requirements

Organisational requirements

SWICA's addresses

Information for software providers

Transmit test invoices

Contact for questions about electronic invoicing
Do you need further information about electronic data interchange with SWICA? Simply send us a message using the contact form.

Electronic documents




Called in and pending invoices

Invoice contents

Tariffs and tariff codes


Reference and supplementary positions

Services provided to more than one person

Rounding and calculation of the position amount

13th week of gestation


Multiple PAR numbers

Contact for functional queries
If you have any queries about a service invoice or a rejection, please get in touch with the contact person named on the invoice or rejection. If no contact is specified, you can reach out to the Regional Head Office for your local area.

Contact form

Contact person at your company
Your enquiry *
Hearing back from us: You will be notified as standard regarding the XML structure and the processing status.
You may also receive one or both of the following messages:
Contact requested via *

Calls are returned during business hours.

* Compulsory field

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