Sports associations & sponsorship
Group partner sponsorship and sports sponsorship
In this area of sponsorship SWICA primarily supports national sports associations in their activities. Members who are insured through a sports association as well as with SWICA enjoy not only sports promotion contributions but also group discounts in supplementary insurance. This results in a win-win situation for all concerned. SWICA demonstrates regional solidarity and client proximity through its involvement in numerous regional and local (sporting) events.
If you have any questions about group partner sponsorship and sports sponsorship, please address them to:
SWICA Healthcare Organisation
Marketing & Advertising
Römerstrasse 37
8400 Winterthur
Sports associations & partnerships
SWICA is strongly committed to promoting health among its insured persons and therefore collaborates with many national and local sports associations. Thanks to these partnerships, active members can benefit from generous contributions and preferential terms for supplementary insurance.
Are you an active member of a sports association? Read more about the advantages that lie in store here.
Social sponsorship
The aim of SWICA's social sponsorship programme is to promote prevention and healthy lifestyles and support a range of activities at its various locations.
If you have any questions about local activities, please address them to the relevant regional agency. You can find the details online.
If you have questions about activities at national or supraregional level or activities in Winterthur, please address them to
SWICA Healthcare Organisation
Corporate Communications
Römerstrasse 37
8400 Winterthur
SWICA and the WWF: united for health and the environment
As part of a partnership arrangement, SWICA has been supporting the WWF's environmental work financially since September 2021. The partners raise their customers' awareness of the links between health and environmental protection. To encourage people to get out into the natural world, SWICA supports WWF runs across Switzerland. SWICA is also committed to helping with national and international WWF environmental projects. Thanks to this partnership, WWF members receive a premium discount on selected supplementary insurance plans.
SWICA – official partner of Switzerland Tourism
SWICA has been a long-standing partner of GastroSuisse and currently insures almost half of all restaurants in Switzerland. This partnership shows how strongly SWICA is committed to helping restaurants, hotels, caterers and associated companies develop their business in Switzerland. SWICA also works with Switzerland Tourism by supporting measures to promote Swiss tourism and build awareness of Switzerland as a travel destination.For more energy: the SWICA competition
Whether you fancy a fairytale family holiday, a restorative wellness weekend, a private dining experience or other prizes to deliver your personal energy kick, you could win one of 40 great prizes worth a total of 9'615 francs.
Go to the competition