Digital payroll declaration for companies
Why do you need to send us a payroll declaration? Find out why, and how you can quickly and easily submit it.
Why do we need you to declare your total payroll amount?
SWICA calculates the premiums for daily allowance insurance and accident insurance based on the provisional payroll information provided when the policy is taken out. The actual amount usually changes during the course of a year – for example as employees join and leave the company. At the end of the year, SWICA needs to know the actual total payroll amount in order to calculate the definitive premium. Depending on what changes have occurred, you will receive some of your money back or an invoice for the outstanding share of the premium.
Procedure for payroll declaration
1. Reminder about declaration
In November our customers receive a request via email or post to submit a payroll declaration. They have until the end of January to provide the final total payroll amount for the previous year.
In November our customers receive a request via email or post to submit a payroll declaration. They have until the end of January to provide the final total payroll amount for the previous year.
2. Submit payroll declaration
You can submit the final total payroll amount to us either via the SWICA web portal or directly from your accounting system via Swissdec.
You can submit the final total payroll amount to us either via the SWICA web portal or directly from your accounting system via Swissdec.
3. Receipt of final invoice
After you submit the final total payroll amount, SWICA will issue your final invoice. You will then receive a refund or bill for the outstanding amount.
After you submit the final total payroll amount, SWICA will issue your final invoice. You will then receive a refund or bill for the outstanding amount.