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SWICA prevention management – for health, safety and wellbeing at work

Prevention management plays a crucial role in implementing comprehensive occupational health management (OHM) programmes. Studies have shown that investing in health-related measures to reduce absentee rates and boost employee satisfaction is an effective approach. Focusing on corporate health pays off in the long run because the company generally become more productive, innovative and healthy.
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96% of the participants in SWICA's occupational health management offers (training and consultations) recommend our prevention services to others.

Other services

Calculate your absence costs
Calculate the costs of absent employees and discover how much your business could save.

Calculate absence costs

Current events
SWICA invites you to attend engaging presentations and events which will help your company to grow.

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Workplace flu vaccination
Protect your employees from seasonal flu and your company from high absence costs.

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Order SWICA preventive healthcare posters
The practical SWICA posters help you to motivate your employees to adopt healthy behaviour.

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Holistic OHM advice or specific measure?
Enquire without obligation – we will be glad to advise you.

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Contact us

Do you have any questions about our OHM services, or would you like to arrange a personal consultation? SWICA's OHM team would be delighted to help you online or by phone. Call +41 58 800 99 33 or complete the form below.
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What our customers have to say.

Daniel Strub, Bell Schweiz AG
«We have worked closely together with SWICA for many years now. As a production company with a lot of physically demanding work, the health of our employees is our top priority. SWICA provides us with professional advice and assistance in all matters relating to occupational health management.»
Barbara Behtan, Phoenix Mecano Komponenten AG
«SWICA has been with us on our journey to introduce optimum occupational health management at Phoenix Mecano Komponenten AG right from the start. With its outstanding expertise, SWICA operates as our reliable partner wherever necessary. Thank you for the excellent working relationship.»
Selim Cevik, Takeda Pharmaceuticals
«SWICA's Prevention Management team is a reliable partner. In the field of ergonomics, for example, we used a train-the-trainer approach to train employees who now answer questions internally regarding workplace modifications. The OHM team also offers timely solutions, including a webinar series about the immune system.»
Urs Dübendorfer
«The whole family has been impressed with the professional and expert advice we get from SWICA. SWICA are there to advise and support us. This is a health insurer you can rely on. You can really feel that they care about the health of their customers.»
Mariotti Gigliola
«It’s possible not everyone knows that SWICA’s Care Management even exists. I have to say it provides really great support. I had major surgery last autumn and got the best possible help from my care manager, including advice and information on the benefits you’re entitled to (sometimes we’re not that well informed and miss out on benefits that we could be taking advantage of). Although this wasn’t required in my case, they can also help by coordinating things between doctors/hospitals etc.»
Mijin Cavallini
«As a mum and midwife I find that SWICA offers great maternity-related benefits and services. Already during pregnancy SWICA provided support with acupuncture, which helped me a lot. And after the birth they were always there for us, which meant I could enjoy the time with my baby.»

SWICA – No. 1 for customer satisfaction in multiple rankings