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31'100 companies trust SWICA

SWICA makes a holistic commitment to health. The companies we insure know this, which is why they have placed their trust in our customised insurance solutions for years.

Top marks for sustainability

SWICA has been assessed by sustainability rating agency Inrate AG and was rated A overall. For «Working conditions» and «Governance» it received the top grade A+. This confirms SWICA's high positive impact on the environment and society, something we are very proud of.

(Source: August 2024)

Our group partners include the following companies / associations:

Contact us

Would you like more information or a personal consultation? SWICA would be happy to talk to you with the aim of finding the right solution for you. Call us on +41 58 800 99 33 or send us a message using the contact form below.

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What our customers have to say

Ursina Gabathuler
«I’ve been insured with SWICA for as long as I can remember. Fortunately I’ve always enjoyed good health, and I intend to ensure that it stays that way. Thanks to the Completa Praeventa contribution towards my gym membership and my annual membership at the pool, I am more motivated to do something to stay in good physical health.»
Marcel Müller
«SWICA is a reliable partner to our company. SWICA is right for us as a company thanks to its professionalism and highly developed personnel management system. They are great people to work with and extremely professional when it comes to training. It’s a wonderful feeling to work with such a great partner.»
Erich Braun
«Employed, then self-employed, then employed again: each time I got such sound advice from SWICA that I don’t have the wrong insurance or gaps in my cover. That’s what I like about SWICA.»
Theres Steinlin
«I was ill last year. SWICA helped me by offering an excellent range of services (phone-based advice, work reintegration options etc.) and providing them in a straightforward way (cover note for necessary measures, co-payments for alternative methods, etc.).»
Ali Tuygu
«It was at Christmas. We were abroad and had forgotten to take our little daughter’s medication with us. Thanks to sante24 we were able to pick up the medication at the nearest pharmacy. You can always rely on SWICA and sante24!»
Corinne Dittrich
«I’m currently at a rehab centre getting some really excellent treatment. I’m also aware that all this costs a lot of money. SWICA has made this possible for me, and I’m therefore convinced that they take me seriously and know that this is what I need. And, yes, my rehabilitation has been a great success!!! I never thought that this would be possible, but SWICA has provided me with the best option. I’ve regained confidence in my health and am fully committed to maintaining it with all I've got, and I hope to even improve it with some luck and willpower.

And during my illness I was able to support my son while he had his first operation. This, too, was not a problem, which made all of us very happy.»
Alessandro Ferraro
«Very friendly, honest and professional advice.»
Caroline Schlund-Mayor
«I had three cancer diagnoses. Thanks to SWICA’s generosity, I was able to have all the necessary operations and treatments very quickly. That’s 11 years ago now, and today I’m in excellent health.
Many thanks to SWICA and best wishes»