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Contact for emergencies at home and abroad

SWICA customers can count on us around the clock – regardless of whether from Switzerland or abroad. In case of an emergency, our employees will assist you also outside business hours and at weekends.


Emergencies in Switzerland

For questions about your cover:
SWICA Customer Service 24/7: +41 58 800 99 33

For medical advice:
santé24 telemedicine service, around the clock:  +41 44 404 86 86

Please call the national emergency number directly in case of a serious medical emergency: 144


Emergencies abroad

Emergency number:
The santé24 telemedicine service, around the clock:  +41 44 404 86 86

Regardless of where you happen to be on holiday or on business, santé24 is there to answer your medical questions around the clock. SWICA's emergency call centre will answer questions about your cover and assist in connection with treatment, rescue or repatriation.

SWICA – No. 1 for customer satisfaction in multiple rankings