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Insurance for guests from abroad

Insurance cover for foreign guests

When we receive visitors from abroad, we want to do everything we can to make them feel at home in Switzerland. This also includes taking steps to deal with unexpected events. If one of your foreign guests has an accident or falls ill, this can result in very substantial costs. With medical insurance for guests, your visitors are comprehensively insured against illness and accident.

Overview of scope and benefits

Medical insurance for guests is intended for:

  • friends and relations who are officially resident outside Switzerland and are coming to visit you.
  • visitors who are staying temporarily in Switzerland on a Schengen visa. Medical insurance for guests provides the cover required for temporary visitors to be eligible for a Schengen visa.

With medical insurance for guests you receive the following benefits in the event of illness or accident – up to the sum insured:

  • the cost of medication, doctors' visits and inpatient hospital care in a general ward
  • medically assisted emergency transport to place of residence abroad
  • repatriation to last place of residence in the event of death.

The insurance is valid for the period set out in the policy, up to a maximum of 6 months per stay. There is also an option to take out supplementary SOS cover for visitors. This covers travel expenses if a visit has to be cut short due to illness or accident. If your foreign visitors only require accident insurance, we recommend accident-related medical expenses insurance.

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