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SWICA's world of health: learn about news and offers

Whatever does you good is healthy, but what that means differs from person to person. That's why SWICA has a holistic commitment to your health and provides you with comprehensive health offers and services. We put conventional and complementary medicine on an equal footing, and we also promote innovative therapies. We make contributions towards more than 100 courses relating to health promotion and preventive healthcare and are constantly expanding our range. This means that everyone can find an ideal way to do something good for their health.

Immerse yourself in our world of health and discover breaking stories, attractive offers, motivational challenges and exciting tips on the topic of health.

SWICA – because health is everything

Stay healthy throughout the winter by going cross-country skiing

December 2024: If you’re looking to strengthen your immune system and keep healthy all winter long, then you should definitely consider cross-country skiing this season. Cross-country skiing is an ideal winter sport for keeping fit and healthy over the cold months. 

Feed your brain to stay fit and healthy in older age

November 2024: Many of us share the desire to age healthily. With only 30% of the ageing process being determined by our genes, the key factors governing whether or not this desire becomes reality are therefore how we live and what we eat. You can also order the free magazine «gesund&smart» (available in German and French only), which contains lots of useful information about ageing.


Sport in summer: how to exercise healthily when the temperature rises

July 2024: Eight tips for exercising safely in high summer. Understand how your body reacts to rising temperatures and learn how to exercise without overheating.


The importance of happiness, laughter and vitamin D for our health

June 2024: Can we determine our own happiness? As a matter of fact, there are a few simple hacks you can use to actually increase your production of happiness hormones. Find out why you should laugh more often and what role vitamin D plays in boosting your mood.


Nutrition and exercise to suit women's menstrual cycles

May 2024: Find out more about the menstrual cycle, hormones and what PMS is, and get some tips for adapting what you eat and your exercise regime to your cycle.

Carry out medical examinations yourself – anywhere

SWICA is the first health insurer in Europe to offer TytoHome to its customers. With TytoHome, an innovative telemedicine device, you can carry out medical examinations yourself, regardless of where you happen to be, and then share and discuss the results with santé24 healthcare experts and doctors.

Order TytoHome now

Personal consultation

Would you like more information on SWICA or a personal consultation? Client Services would be happy to assist. Call us on +41 58 800 99 33 or send us a message using the contact form below.

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