Frequently asked questions about BENEVITA
You can find answers to the most commonly asked questions regarding BENEVITA in our FAQ.
Redeem digital vouchers
How do I redeem a voucher in the BENEVITA app?
How long is the voucher valid for?
What providers are there?
Bonus programme
What are the challenges?
What kinds of challenges are there, and what do you have to do?
How do I earn points?
Where can I see how many points I have?
How do collected points affect my supplementary insurance plans?
How many points do I need for the Level 1 discount on premiums?
How many points do I need for the Level 2 discount on premiums?
How many points do I need for the Level 3 discount on premiums?
BENEVITA deadlines
What happens to my points and community coins after the deadline for redemption?
When do I have to redeem the discount on my premiums in order to benefit from the discount in the coming year?
Terms and conditions
Who can use BENEVITA?
How do children benefit from the bonus programme?
Minors insured with SWICA benefit automatically from the same BENEVITA discount level as the main contact person (usually a parent). This only applies if at least one parent is also insured with SWICA and uses the BENEVITA bonus programme.