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Telemedicine hotline for health issues

Telemedicine support for post-Covid or long Covid

Severe fatigue, concentration problems, joint aches, anxiety – have you been struggling with any of these issues ever since you had Covid-19? A post-Covid or long Covid support programme from santé24 provides six months of help from qualified specialists to improve your quality of life and aid your recovery.

Requirements for participation

Have you been suffering from lingering problems ever since you had COVID? Or do you need help with exercise, nutrition and/or mental wellbeing, in addition to doctor's visits and medication following a diagnosis? And has it been at least ten weeks but no more than a year since you had your Covid infection? If so, our support programme could be just right for you.

A preliminary consultation with a doctor and a more detailed diagnosis by a coach will show you which areas (exercise, nutrition or mental wellbeing) require the most attention and how your support programme can be tailored to your needs. Please note that confirmation for a diagnosis and further tests require a referral to a COVID centre.

Possible programme content

The support programme for post-Covid or long Covid is based on your individual needs and covers the areas of exercise, nutrition and mental wellbeing. Depending on your needs and medical history, exercise coaching could be geared towards managing energy reserves (pacing), for example, or focus on increasing your physical activity and mobility. Our nutritionists can help you to gain or lose weight, as required. They will also answer questions and advise you on low-histamine or vegetarian diets, for example.

Improving mental wellbeing may involve addressing sleep problems or learning techniques for managing pain. The programme will also help you to cope with anxiety, early stages of depression, and stress, whereby you will get individual support from our psychologists or psychiatrists or work your way through a guided self-management unit online.

Structure of the programme

Our medical experts mentioned above offer the support programme over the phone for the areas as described, which can be expanded gradually as needed. After six months, a final diagnosis and assessment are conducted, followed by a wrap-up consultation with a coach and doctor. All support services are available over the phone or online in German or English. Psychological support is also available in French and Italian.

Please note: If demand is high, waiting times may be longer. We will advise you of the likely wait time as soon as you have registered. Thank you for your understanding.

Free programme only for SWICA customers

The support programme for post-Covid or long Covid from santé24 is free of charge and for SWICA customers only. If you are interested, we ask that you answer a few questions regarding your health and the duration of your illness, and also complete the questionnaire below. santé24 will then contact you within seven days.

Open questionnaire

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