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Self-help courses for managing psychological symptoms

Guided online self-help courses for managing psychological conditions

santé24 offers SWICA customers scientifically verified online self-help courses to help them deal with a range of psychological symptoms (please refer to the drop-down list below) of varying severity. Participants can work through the course content anywhere and in their own time and receive written feedback from their personal coach.

Go to brief summary of online self-help course

Before taking a course you would undergo a telephone assessment with our team of santé24 psychologists in order to determine whether the service is suitable for your issue and what you are looking for.

Even though all of our courses achieved just as good results as outpatient psychotherapy in scientific trials, guided online self-help courses are no substitute for outpatient psychotherapy or inpatient treatment. If taken at the right time, these courses can bring about a rapid change in your psychological symptoms. We have seen this for ourselves with past course participants who made astounding progress.

Here is a brief outline of our online self-help courses:

Sleep training: improve your ability to fall asleep and sleep through the night

Stress training

Training to deal with emerging or acute symptoms of depression (such as burnout)

Your personal santé24 coach will be happy to help you if you are interested in any of these guided online self-help courses and are insured with SWICA. You can register using the form below. Your santé24 coach will get in touch, advise you, and discuss how to proceed. All of the information you provide is subject to a professional duty of confidentiality and can only be viewed by your specialist coaches at santé24. 
SWICA customer *

* Compulsory field

Telemedicine 24/7, online and by phone

Getting good advice is often all it takes to find the right approach to a health problem. The doctors and health advisors at santé24 will discuss your health issues with you and assess the urgency of any further treatment. They will then recommend the right place externally for further treatment or advice. This can be, for example, a pharmacy, a general practitioner or specialist, the nearest emergency practice, the hospital emergency room, or even the emergency number 144. Depending on the telemedicine options, santé24 doctors can also prescribe medication or therapies (for example physiotherapy or nutritional advice) during an initial diagnosis. If the condition involves complex treatment, you can also get support from a SWICA care manager, in which case santé24 will be glad to refer you.

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