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City Boulder Kriens

«Bouldering» refers to climbing on a large rock. Thanks to the low heights and the thick foam cushions below, the climber needs neither a rope nor a climbing harness.

Bouldering is a kind of rock climbing you can do without any ropes or climbing gear because of the low height involved – unlike sport climbing or mountain climbing. At CITY BOULDER you can drop onto soft padded mats at any time. The aim is to climb a set route that is identified by colour-coded grips. So instead of having to worry about ropes, you can concentrate fully on your balance and ease of movement. This offers you not only the opportunity for strength training and conditioning, but also helps improve your flexibility, coordination and instinctive touch.

Unlike in climbing, you do not need any rope skills in bouldering, which is easy to learn and requires no prior experience.


Offer for those insured with SWICA

Half price for taster course with admission and climbing shoes: CHF 13 instead of CHF 26 (adults).

This discount offer is for SWICA customers only.

And this is how it works:
Please complete the form below using the information shown on your insurance card. The requested discount code and / or link will then be sent to you by email. This can take up to 10 minutes. The offer is available only to SWICA customers and valid for as long as it appears on SWICA's website.


Nidfeldstrasse 1
6010 Kriens
041 310 54 90

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