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Good oral hygiene

Good oral hygiene is the key

Everybody wants to have a gleaming smile. However, teeth need to be looked after properly if they are to stay healthy and beautiful. The only way to ensure good dental health is to take good care of your teeth.
Content-Team SWICA
In order to keep your teeth looking good and, more importantly, make sure they stay healthy your whole life long, you need to think about your oral hygiene every single day of the year.

Things you can do at home

Since bacterial plaque is the most common cause of dental diseases such as gingivitis, periodontitis (bacterial inflammation of the periodontium) and caries, it is vital to keep your teeth free of plaque. Everyone can make a positive contribution to good oral hygiene at home and in everyday life. First and foremost, you should brush your teeth every day – at least in the morning and evening. If you are unable to brush your teeth at lunchtime, you can still use a fluoride mouthwash or tooth-friendly chewing gum. Everyday oral and dental care also includes...

  • ... using a fluoride toothpaste.
  • ... cleaning the gaps between your teeth using dental floss, toothpicks or interdental space brushes (as desired). Ask your dental hygienist if you need clarification on following these tips properly.
  • ... tongue cleaning.
  • ... applying a fluoride gel weekly to protect against caries. Fluoride gel isn't required if you use mouthwash every day.

Tips for children

  • If the child's milk teeth have not yet come through it's best to clean the gums using a damp (and of course sterilised) cloth after feeding. This will prevent plaque from accumulating.
  • As soon as the first teeth appear, they should be cleaned once per day using a toothbrush that is suitable for children. Teeth must be brushed twice a day once the molars appear.
  • There are also special toothpastes available that have been formulated especially for children of different ages. Toothpastes containing fluoride should be used as follows: After the first milk tooth has appeared, use special children's toothpaste containing 500 ppm of fluoride. Switch to using a toothpaste with up to 1 500 ppm of fluoride from around the age of six, when the first adult teeth begin to emerge. Parents can discuss any questions they may have with their dentist or paediatrician.
  • Children's toothbrushes must also be replaced regularly, and parents should be sure to check that the new toothbrush is age-appropriate. It's a good idea to let your child help choose the colour and appearance of a new toothbrush.
  • Parents are responsible for teaching their child the right way to brush their teeth, and a song or story can make it more fun. The molars are often neglected during brushing and are particularly susceptible to cavities.
  • Sticky food and acidic drinks should be avoided as much as possible. These contain a lot of sugar and attack the surface of the teeth as well as the enamel.

Routine dental check-ups

Children generally visit the dentist for the first time when they are two. You should however check with your paediatrician regarding the exact timing.

For adolescents and adults: In addition to preventive care at home, it's recommended that you have your teeth professionally cleaned by a dental hygienist once or twice a year, including a check-up with a dentist. Your dental hygienist will discuss how often this is needed (usually every six to twelve months). This will ensure that your mouth and teeth stay healthy.

DENTA dental insurance

Visits to the dentist can turn out to be very expensive. With DENTA, SWICA makes contributions towards a range of treatments including:

  • routine check-ups
  • dental hygiene
  • dental treatment

Information regarding orthodontic work

Did you know that under its DENTA and COMPLETA TOP dental insurance plans, SWICA will contribute to any orthodontic work you have done up to the age of 25?*

*Click here to find out more

In the event of further health-related questions, SWICA customers can contact the santé24 telemedicine service free of charge on +41 44 404 86 86. A telemedicine practice licence allows santé24 physicians to provide additional medical services in cases that are suited to a telemedicine approach. SWICA customers can also use the BENECURA medical app to carry out a digital SymptomCheck and receive recommendations about what to do next. During a subsequent phone call with santé24, customers can decide for themselves whether to release their information from SymptomCheck to santé24.

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