First aid in the event of an epileptic seizure
Content-Team SWICA

Potential signs
The symptoms can be extremely various. Potential signs are: sudden collapse, increased salivation and rapid breathing, short-term respiratory arrest with the lips turning blue, muscular rigidity or convulsions of the whole body. Seizures generally last for one or two minutes, rarely longer, but can also last just a few seconds.
To help the affected person, you should:
- If possible, prevent the person from falling heavily and lay them gently on the ground.
- Protect the person against potential secondary injuries, but not by restraining them. Restraint during and especially after the seizure increases the risk of injury.
- Remove anything which is in the way.
- Put something soft under the person's head, remove their glasses and loosen clothing in the neck area which may be too tight.
Keep calm and note how long the seizure lasts for. No medical attention will be required in most cases unless the convulsions last for more than three minutes, the person has suffered a severe injury, remains unconscious or is not breathing properly or there are more convulsions.
What not to do:
- Do not push anything between the person's teeth in an attempt to prevent them from biting their tongue; you may damage their air passages.
- Do not try to stop the convulsions by grabbing the person or making them sit up straight
- Do not give the person anything to drink
- Do not provide artificial respiration
Many people are confused and sleepy after a seizure. Keep calm and tell the person what has happened. Let them know how long it lasted for and what the symptoms were.