The 10 craziest
outdoor yoga trends
Is there a better way to bring the body, mind and soul into balance than through yoga? Well, doing your exercises outdoors in the fresh air opens up a wide range of possibilities.
Lightly suspended: Aerial yoga

Steamy relaxation: Hot yoga

Almost like flying: Acro yoga
Acro yoga requires three people: A base, a flyer and a spotter. The base lies on the ground and moves the flyer from one position to the next. The spotter makes sure that the flyer doesn't fall. You can start with exercises called Star, Super Yogi or Hammock. Preferably on a nice sandy beach, of course; but a meadow will also do.
Practise with cloven-hooved animals: Goat yoga

Fully concentrated while on water: SUP yoga

Humid and cheerful: Aqua yoga

Laughing out loud: Laughter yoga

Sweating with asanas: HIIT yoga

Practising on the rope: Slackline yoga

Among men: Brother yoga

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Incidentally, supplementary insurance always provides valuable additional benefits above and beyond those available under basic insurance. It can be taken out with SWICA at any time, regardless of which insurer currently provides your basic insurance.
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