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nutrition for amateur athletes

Score points in sport with a balanced diet

Sporting success depends of course on regular training, but nutrition also plays an important role. In this health tip we explain what you should be aware of as regards diet.
A balanced diet can lead to improved performance and health. Of course, amateur athletes don't have to follow as strict a dietary regime as professionals, but paying a little more attention to the food that ends up on your table every day can bring benefits for athletes at all levels.

Watch your calorie balance

Foods which are rich in protein, carbohydrates and fibre are the components of our daily diet. These nutrient groups need to be balanced if we are to achieve health and wellbeing. In addition, no-one should consume more food calories than they burn. How many calories people burn per day depends on their basal metabolic rate and their active metabolic rate. These can be increased by building muscle mass.

Nutrition before, during and after sport

Before exercising, you should eat foods that are easy to digest and low in fat (e.g. a lye-bread sandwich with dried meat or a sports bar). During prolonged physical activity, it is important to drink enough fluids. For workouts lasting less than one hour, water is perfectly adequate as a hydrator. If the session lasts longer than an hour, a fruit spritzer or an isotonic drink can be a good idea. If you feel hungry during exercise, you can reach for white bread, bananas or sports bars. These provide energy for a few extra kilometres or hours of play.
White bread, bananas or sports bars provide energy
After cycling, jogging or playing tennis, your reserves will be used up. Fresh healthy foods such as seasonal vegetables, whole grain products (e.g. brown rice), oats, potatoes, whole grain pasta and quinoa which deliver complex carbohydrates, and protein-rich foods are essential for recovery. If you don't eat meat or fish, which are regarded as the main sources of protein, you can substitute dairy products such as low-fat curd, cheese or eggs. Legumes and soya also contain a lot of protein.

SWICA supports healthy nutrition

A balanced diet strengthens wellbeing and health over the long term. As a holistic healthcare organisation, SWICA puts the health of customers at the centre and not their illnesses. That's why SWICA customers enjoy prevention contributions of up to 900 francs* per year plus a wide range of health offers relating to nutrition.

*Click here to find out how you can benefit.

In the event of further health-related questions, SWICA customers can contact the santé24 telemedicine service free of charge on +41 44 404 86 86. A telemedicine practice licence allows santé24 physicians to provide additional medical services in cases that are suited to a telemedicine approach. SWICA customers can also use the BENECURA medical app to carry out a digital SymptomCheck and receive recommendations about what to do next. During a subsequent phone call with santé24, customers can decide for themselves whether to release their information from SymptomCheck to santé24.

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