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Fitness & exercise

Taking exercise and building up your strength will help keep you fit and healthy. That's why SWICA makes generous contributions towards memberships at qualified fitness centres and with selected sports associations.

Up to CHF 900 in preventive healthcare benefits relating to exercise

SWICA covers 90% of the costs under your COMPLETA FORTE supplementary plan, up to 300 francs per calendar year (choosing a fitness centre with sauna and/or pool will increase the contribution up to 500 francs per calendar year). COMPLETA PRAEVENTA covers an additional 50% of the costs up to 300 francs per year (choosing a fitness centre with sauna and/or pool will increase the contribution up to 500 francs per calendar year). OPTIMA supplementary insurance covers 90% of the cost exceeding this amount, up to a maximum of 300 francs per calendar year. This can result in prevention contributions of up to 900 francs per year (up to 1’300 francs per year for fitness centres with sauna and/or pool).

Fitness centres

Choose a SWICA-recognised fitness centre from our comprehensive list and enjoy attractive contributions from your supplementary insurance. If your chosen fitness centre has a sauna and/or bath, SWICA will even increase its contribution to 1'300 francs (more information) per year.

Directory of fitness centres


Do you prefer to exercise in a group or in courses with an instructor? SWICA contributes, for example, towards the cost of the following courses as long as they are provided by a SWICA-recognised partner or provider:
  • Aerobics
  • Aqua-fit
  • Baby swimming
  • Feldenkrais method
  • Fitness classes
  • Functional training
  • Curative eurythmy
  • Nordic walking
  • Personal training
  • Back exercises
  • Back support training
  • Swimming courses

Perhaps your preferred course isn't listed? In that case, SWICA Client Services would be delighted to help on +41 58 800 99 33.

Personal training

A personal training plan tailored to your needs will help you keep your motivation up and make your training more efficient. Coaching sessions and personal trainers provide the support you need to achieve this. Examples of SWICA-recognised offers:

  • Swiss Personal Trainer Association: Find your own personal trainer to help you achieve your individual fitness, performance and health goals.
  • running.COACH: a training platform with interactive running coaching and training plans for new, experienced and professional runners. SWICA contributes towards your silver or gold six- or twelve-month subscription.
  • SalutaCoach: individual coaching focused on health promotion, preventive healthcare, and nutrition. Health coaches will guide you through your personal programme over the phone, while a state-of-the-art app manages your data and gives you valuable tips on exercise and nutrition. SWICA customers can benefit from discounted offers.

Perhaps your preferred course or personal trainer isn't listed? In that case, SWICA Client Services would be delighted to help on +41 58 800 99 33.

Do even more for your health.

A balanced diet and a mindful approach to life are the ideal complement to your exercise-related activities. SWICA also makes attractive contributions in this area. Find out more.

Personal consultation

Would you like more information on SWICA or a personal consultation? Client Services would be happy to assist. Call us on +41 58 800 99 33 or send us a message using the contact form below.

Request a personal consultation

What our customers have to say

Monika Bini
«I’m a happy customer because SWICA makes generous contributions towards my gym and tennis club memberships. Also, when I submit doctors’ bills they are processed rapidly, and the money I’m owed is transferred to me quickly.»
Daniela Züger
«As a family, we’ve been insured with SWICA for years now and we're 100% satisfied! SWICA covers a large part of the cost of swimming lessons for our children. Our middle child goes to dances classes, and I was amazed to find that SWICA is the only health insurer which helps out with the cost. Fantastic!!!

But that's not all... SWICA was also there for us during an extremely difficult period. Our son became very ill when he was just 16 months old. My husband and I were given a parents’ room at the children’s hospital, even though I was no longer breastfeeding. The situation was looked into and a decision was taken to cover these costs. Really thoughtful and family-friendly. Ever since then we wouldn’t consider any other health insurer! You are the best! Our son has made a full recovery 😉.»
Melanie Grass
«The CHF 500 prevention contribution towards my gym membership is sensational and unbeatable.»
Christin Hoffmeyer
«Last year I started running, changed my diet and began taking better care of myself. So I was looking for an insurer which would support me in my new health-conscious lifestyle. As soon as I came across the BENEVITA bonus programme, my decision was made.»
Eliane Mäder
«The decision to remain with SWICA is based on decades of positive experience. I’m absolutely delighted with Benevita. I regularly take part in step competitions and I’m delighted if I come in the top eight. This membership has brought a positive dynamism into my life.»
Loris Hausammann
«I do a lot of sport in my spare time, so it’s important to me to have an insurance partner which supports me financially on that front. The range of services provided by SWICA is transparent and easy to understand, which suits me very well. I also like SWICA’s friendly professional staff and the easy-to-use invoice app.»
Ursina Gabathuler
«I’ve been insured with SWICA for as long as I can remember. Fortunately I’ve always enjoyed good health, and I intend to ensure that it stays that way. Thanks to the Completa Praeventa contribution towards my gym membership and my annual membership at the pool, I am more motivated to do something to stay in good physical health.»
Shi Rong Danielsson
«I joined BENEVITA in 2016 and it has changed my life completely. I put much effort into a healthy life, including exercise, food, sleeping and so on. Since then, I feel I am much healthier and happier both physically and mentally. Recently, I got my 300 healthies surprise, which make me more motivated to keep strong. Thank you SWICA for helping us in our healthy life.»
Jennifer Hoeffleur
«SWICA supports me in my efforts to live a healthy lifestyle. When I was trying out Bodypump with a friend, she told me that SWICA made generous contributions to her fitness club membership. So I also switched to SWICA, and am very happy I did. SWICA also provides support in the form of the BENEVITA bonus programme.»
Jacqueline Vera-Xiria Geiger
«The tips I received from the BENEVITA team made me aware of exactly what I had to change in my eating and exercise routines. It's true that I was taking a lot of exercise and eating appropriate foods, but the exercise I was doing turned out to be inefficient and I wasn’t eating enough protein. Now I’ve lost four kilos – my body is more toned and I’m pleased with how I look.»
Patricia Atz-Breslaw
«I've been more than satisfied for many years. Last year the BENEVITA health platform helped me a lot. I took myself in hand and lost 20 kilos, and I’ve been able to keep the weight off ever since. Now all I have to do is stay as healthy as I am now and live till I’m at least a hundred.»
Bernd Böhme
«The website is clear, straightforward and informative. I particularly like the BENEVITA app, which addresses interesting topics on a daily basis and really inspires me. All in all, I am a SWICA fan and try to persuade as many people as possible that, if they want to have the best possible partner for comprehensive health care at their side, they should do as I do and choose SWICA!»
Remo Walser
«Until a few years ago I didn’t do any exercise and was putting on weight. But that’s all in the past now. SWICA’s supplementary benefits encouraged me to become more active. Without SWICA I would be living an unhealthy life and be unhappy with my body. Thank you!»
Remo Kistler
«The Benevita Health Programme is really great because it motivates me to get more exercise in my daily life. And you can use the various challenges to compete with your friends.»
Tabea Neuhaus
«SWICA pays 800 francs towards my gym membership. And it offers the BENEVITA bonus programme which helps people who enjoy exercise and have a health-conscious lifestyle to keep their premiums down. I would recommend SWICA to anyone who is interested in exercise and health.»
Vivienne Audemars
«I’ve been a loyal and proud SWICA customer for several years now. Thanks to SWICA’s ideal supplementary insurance plan I had the opportunity following a snowboard accident to recover thanks to fitness centres, physiotherapy and massage centres. This has enabled me to get back to my passion – dancing.»
Aike Festini
«I do a CrossFit workout three or four times a week, enjoy swimming and love relaxing at spas. With my active lifestyle, SWICA is the ideal choice for me because it has something to offer in all these areas. I also like the straightforward digital information exchange.»
Denis Harran
«In SWICA, I’ve found the perfect advisor: competent, efficient and always available, whether it’s for providing advice on services, handling administrative matters or settling claims. My whole family is insured with SWICA. My wife and I are very keen to lead a healthy lifestyle, and take advantage of the tips that we get from the Benevita programme regarding our diet and physical activities.»
Thomas Pfiffner
«I've been a satisfied SWICA customer for many years now. I've been using TytoHome as a test customer since 2020. It's very useful and has also been very beneficial during the holidays. I'm convinced of the value of this product. I also appreciate SWICA's contribution towards my cross-country ski pass.»
Franca Roberti
«During my stay at the rehabilitation clinic following an accident, it was suggested to me that I work with a SWICA care manager, who would be responsible for helping me to find the support I needed to cope as best I could with my return home. I weighed up the suggestion together with my family and we decided to accept. We were incredibly glad we did. We met someone who was really friendly, very well prepared and equally helpful, who found the right solutions and the right forms of support for me. These allowed me to regain my “independence” one year down the line.
It was a very positive experience that I would have no hesitation in recommending.
I would like to thank my care manager and SWICA.»

SWICA – No. 1 for customer satisfaction in multiple rankings