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Personal coaching for your health

SalutaCoach AG is a University of Basel start-up offering individual health coaching. Coaches with academic certifications will guide you personally on your road to a healthy lifestyle. The approach is holistic and based on scientifically recognised coaching methodology. That means that sports and exercise, nutrition and mental health all feed into the coaching. It all revolves around the whole person and working together to develop personalised solutions. A secure app manages your data and connects you with your coach.

Benefit from getting active

SWICA supports the SalutaCoach programmes shown below. SWICA customers benefit from discounted offers and receive annual contributions of up to CHF 1'300 (find out more) from COMPLETA FORTE, COMPLETA PRAEVENTA and OPTIMA supplementary insurance.

Preferential terms for SWICA customers
  • 1 Starter, 99 francs
  • 1 month: GO, 290 francs
  • 3 months: ACTIVE, 690 instead of 750 francs
  • 6 months: ACTIVE PLUS, 1'090 instead of 1'190 francs
  • 12 months: INTENSIVE, 2'691 francs instead of 2'990 francs

Programme continuation
  • 3 months: FOLLOW-UP 3, 490 francs (after Starter)
  • 6 months: FOLLOW-UP 6, 590 instead of 690 francs

What coaching includes:
  • A personal coach
  • Regular coaching sessions by phone or video
  • A coaching journal
  • Short messages
  • Use of the app

You will find more information about SalutaCoach and SWICA-supported offers for personal health coaching here (in German):

Go to SalutaCoach

How your preventive healthcare contribution breaks down

SWICA covers 90% of the costs under COMPLETA FORTE supplementary insurance, up to 500 francs per calendar year (up to 300 francs per type of activity). COMPLETA PRAEVENTA covers an additional 50% of the costs up to 500 francs per year (up to 300 francs per type of activity). OPTIMA supplementary insurance covers 90% of the cost exceeding this amount, up to a maximum of 300 francs per calendar year. This means your preventive healthcare contribution can be as much as 1’300 francs per year.

Testimonials from SalutaCoach customers

Personal health coaching from SalutaCoach has helped Anja Wild, Andrea Widhalm and Ugo Grassi. Learn more about all that personal and individual health coaching can do for you in the following YouTube videos.

I've finally learned to stick with a workout!

Anja Wild

I've improved my health significantly with SalutaCoach.

Andrea Widhalm

The personal coaching programme has helped me become much more active.

Ugo Grassi

SWICA – No. 1 for customer satisfaction in multiple rankings