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Five reasons why golf is healthy

Golf has firmly established itself as a general sport, because exercising outdoors is a great way to stay fit and reduce stress. Read more about why playing golf is good for your health.
Content-Team SWICA
It's high time to bury the cliché that only elderly men in chequered pants play golf and putter from one hole to the next in electric carts. Golf is suitable for people of any age and athletic talent, because anyone can play, and it helps us stay healthy and promotes our wellbeing. Five reasons why you, too, should try your hand at golf:

1. Sun and fresh air

Playing golf regularly means spending several hours outdoors, time in which the body can replenish its vitamin D supply, most of which is formed under the skin through the effects of UVB radiation. This helps to prevent vitamin D deficiencies during the winter months because you will have plenty of reserves. Furthermore, exercising outdoors stimulates the circulatory system.

2. Plenty of exercise

An 18-hole round of golf generally lasts four to five hours, during which you will be moving at speeds of up to six kilometres an hour and the body will burn around 1,200 calories. You will also find yourself mostly on hilly terrain and carrying several kilos of equipment; in other words, your system will get a good workout during this time – provided that the electric golf cart stays put and you tackle the golf course on foot.

3. Reduce stress

Relaxing and exercising outdoors does wonders when it comes to unwinding and clearing the head of whatever may be worrying you at the moment. Golf is the ideal way to reduce day-to-day stress. Depending on your mood, you can play with a partner or alone.

4. Promote concentration and balance

Golf requires a consistent focus, which hones our ability to concentrate and positively affects our mental capability. While developing your swing you will also exercise your sense of balance, a positive effect for people of any age.

5. Low risk of injury

Golf is a sport with a low accident risk, except for occasional symptoms that may develop in the back, elbows or hands. But by learning the correct techniques, warming up properly, and using suitable equipment, you can prevent many injuries. Accidents caused by colliding the clubs or flying golf balls are rare.

Golf in Switzerland

You can find Switzerland's most beautiful golf courses on the Switzerland Tourism website.

SWICA is the official partner of Switzerland Tourism and is committed to promoting tourism in Switzerland and building awareness of the country as a travel destination.

Contribution to your health

SWICA supports you actively in your personal preventive healthcare efforts. Under its COMPLETA PRAEVENTA and OPTIMA supplementary insurance, SWICA pays up to 95%* of the annual cost of your Migros GolfCard.

*Click here for details of the contribution.

In the event of further health-related questions, SWICA customers can contact the santé24 telemedicine service free of charge on +41 44 404 86 86. A telemedicine practice licence allows santé24 physicians to provide additional medical services in cases that are suited to a telemedicine approach. SWICA customers can also use the BENECURA medical app to carry out a digital SymptomCheck and receive recommendations about what to do next. During a subsequent phone call with santé24, customers can decide for themselves whether to release their information from SymptomCheck to santé24.

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