SWICA world of health – because health is everything
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Articles found: 223

Protein shakes and Co.: How much protein does the body need?
Proteins are seen as a magic aid to muscle building, and more and more products are being touted as "high protein". From shakes and muesli to crisps, all foods seem to have a "healthier", extra-protein alternative. But are the alternatives really better? And how much protein does a person need anyway?

Tick season is here – here's how to protect yourself
Ticks are most prevalent between March and November. These insects awaken from their winter dormancy as soon as temperatures rise above freezing. Fans of outdoor pursuits should take precautions well in advance.

How to observe Lent and boost your health
Whether we drink too much or eat too much sugar or meat, most of us overindulge in some way. The fasting season of Lent is the ideal time to rethink your eating habits and exercise some restraint.

Body mass index: are you the right weight for your height?
Anyone who has ever wondered whether their own body weight is in proportion to their height will soon have come across the body mass index, or BMI for short. This health tip explains how reliable BMI is as a measure.

Smart swaps for sugary drinks
Sugary drinks are everywhere, and many people love them. This health tip suggests healthier alternatives that don't compromise on taste.

When you have an iron deficiency
Are you tired all the time, and not feeling fully productive? Being continually exhausted can be a sign of iron deficiency. You can use the following tricks to replenish your reserves of iron and get your energy back.

What you ought to know about pneumonia
Pneumonia comes in a variety of forms. This SWICA healthcare tip explains how to recognise the condition and what you can do about it.

Getting fit for cross-country skiing
If you’re looking to strengthen your immune system and keep healthy all winter long, then you should definitely consider cross-country skiing this season. Cross-country skiing is an ideal winter sport for keeping fit and healthy over the cold months. It can give your health a lasting boost, as well as allowing you to enjoy beautiful natural surroundings.

Flu season: get protection now
Fever, coughing, aches and pains – the flu season is back. Here you can find out how to protect yourself and your family from this annoying virus and when it makes sense to get a vaccination.

Tips for a healthy scalp
It's easy to forget about looking after your scalp, and quite understandable as most people have a head of hair covering it. But scalp health shouldn't be underestimated. This health tip explains how to care for your scalp properly.

Acute hearing loss: what to do if it happens to you
Suddenly losing almost all of your hearing in one ear can be very alarming. Acute hearing loss usually occurs without warning, and can affect people of all ages. What should you do if it happens to you, and how can you prevent it? Read this health tip for the answers.

Escaping the winter blues
In winter, as temperatures begin to fall, many people also feel their mood sinking. The combination of darkness, cold, and never-ending grey oppresses the spirit. Here you can find out all about winter depression and how to avoid falling into a pit of depression.

Nasal spray: great in the short term, harmful in the long run
A few cold days, your feet wet from the snow, and there it is: you've got a cold. Particularly annoying is the constantly blocked nose. Many people immediately seek relief from a nasal spray. But in most cases it's not long before you can't manage without it. And that can be dangerous.

Why you should keep your blood sugars stable
Sugar, respectively carbs, are the body's most important source of energy. You need it – but too much sugar in your blood is bad for your health. Read on to find out how to keep your blood sugars steady, and what the benefits are.

Testicular and prostate cancer: When should men have check-ups?
For many men, health is a hair-raising subject. This health tip explains when men should get examined as a precaution.

Mycoplasma: how dangerous are these bacteria?
Switzerland has seen an increase in cases of mycoplasma pneumonia, particularly in children. Where do these bacteria come from and how can you protect yourself from them? Find out more in this health tip.

Neurodermatitis - how to cope with dry and sensitive skin
You know you shouldn't scratch, but your skin itches so much that you can't help yourself. Many neurodermatitis patients know this feeling all too well. This health tip looks at ways of caring for and repairing damaged skin.

Strengthening the immune system
The days are getting shorter, with temperatures declining steadily. And with it the season of colds and flues is upon us as well. It's therefore all the more important to boost your body's defences and stay healthy during the colder part of the year.
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