Microbreaks – bringing variety to everyday working life
Today's working world is extremely fast-moving and therefore frequently produces stress. “Microbreaks” can be used to recharge your batteries during working hours. Here you can find out what microbreaks are and which exercises are suitable for work breaks.
01.02.2023 | 1 minute reading time
Content-Team SWICA
Content-Team SWICA
The ability to concentrate declines after lunch, the eyes ache, and the muscles are slightly tense from sitting. Many people who spend all day in front of a screen are familiar with this situation. There is a very simple way to boost your wellbeing and concentration in the workplace: microbreaks.
It’s also important not to forget to take breaks when your workload is high. Even if you feel you don't have time for a break, you should make sure not to go without.
What are microbreaks?
Microbreaks are breaks lasting just a few seconds or minutes. They are used in everyday working life to boost concentration, reduce stress or overcome “writer's block”. Ideally, everyone should build microbreaks into their working life.Ideal exercises for a hectic life
You don’t have to invest 15 minutes or more when you take a microbreak. A few seconds are enough to increase concentration and relax the muscles. You can, for example:- Put down your pen and look out of the window into the distance.
- Open the window and take a few deep breaths.
- Go up and down a few stairs.
- Get yourself a glass of water or a cup of tea or coffee.
- Blink or close your eyes for a few seconds.
It’s also important not to forget to take breaks when your workload is high. Even if you feel you don't have time for a break, you should make sure not to go without.
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