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Don't give time robbers a chance!

Time management – Don't give time robbers a chance!

It's far from easy to balance work, leisure, further education, family and friends. How can we keep everything in balance and still have enough time for ourselves? The solution is time management.
Content-Team SWICA
Every day has 24 hours. Ideally, we should divide the 24 hours into three equal parts: eight hours each for work, leisure and sleep. For many people, however, this is impossible because of their workload, family commitments or other issues. Some of these take up more than their allotted time, which means that other activities – sleep, for example – suffer. Imbalances of this kind can have a negative impact on wellbeing.

Time management, which enables us to complete the tasks at hand within the given time, is therefore a skill that is becoming increasingly important in our performance-oriented society. First and foremost, it's important to prioritise the work that needs to be done. How can we make time? Which types of work rob us of our time? With just a few tips and tricks, you will find that you're able to structure your working day and avoid absences from work due to stress.

Planning your dayTime management

At the beginning of each working day you should write down three realistic objectives that you want to achieve that day. These can be written on a sheet of paper or on Post-its, for example. You should then staple the paper or Post-it in a suitable location at your workplace. In this way you will always have your challenges in clear sight, which will keep you motivated.

Sometimes you have to say "No"!

We've all been there. A colleague calls and asks: "Could you please do this for me quickly?" This kind of work is the biggest time robber of all. So, if you find yourself saying "No" inwardly, then try saying it out loud. It's important to have the courage to say "No" once in a while.

Tips for more efficient working

Here are some work tips that will help you to reach your objectives quickly and successfully:

  • Don't jump from one unfinished task to another. Always complete the task you have started on, and then move to the next one. This will give you the opportunity to celebrate small successes and keep your motivation high.
  • Don't check your emails constantly. Instead, you should set aside specific time slots for working through your emails. You should also turn off push notifications which display new emails as they arrive. This will mean that you are less distracted.
  • If you need peace and quiet for a particular task, you should inform your colleagues (or your family if you're working from home). This will enable you to avoid disturbances that knock you out of your work rhythm.
  • Minor tasks should be completed straight away. In other words, small jobs which require very little time are best completed as soon as they crop up. Completed tasks are better than those still to be completed.

Of course, there are many other ways of improving your time management and hence your wellbeing. SWICA's Occupational Health Management team also offers a "Time Management" module for businesses as part of its "Healthy lifestyle" topic.

You can find out more about time management and many other interesting topics at Corporate clients also have the option of consulting the SWICA Business Blog (in German and French) and reading interesting articles in its five sections: Health Management, Insurance, Gastronomy, Brokers and Best Practice

SWICA – your professional OHM partner

SWICA's occupational health management (OHM) programme aims to minimise absenteeism and presenteeism, strengthen the potential for greater health, and improve the general wellbeing of employees. OHM brings together all measures aimed at preventing or reducing absences due to illness or accident. You can find out more about occupational health management here.

In the event of further health-related questions, SWICA customers can contact the santé24 telemedicine service free of charge on +41 44 404 86 86. A telemedicine practice licence allows santé24 physicians to provide additional medical services in cases that are suited to a telemedicine approach. SWICA customers can also use the BENECURA medical app to carry out a digital SymptomCheck and receive recommendations about what to do next. During a subsequent phone call with santé24, customers can decide for themselves whether to release their information from SymptomCheck to santé24.

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