Basic insurance with free choice of doctor
Under classic STANDARD basic insurance you always have a free choice of doctor. In addition to the STANDARD model, SWICA offers other basic insurance models which enable you to benefit from attractive premium discounts. The scope of cover is the same for all basic insurance models; the only difference is the choice of contact point.
Benefits included in basic insurance
The various basic insurance models all offer the same benefits. The only difference between the models is the choice of first point of contact for medical questions. The benefits provided under basic insurance include:
- Conventional medical treatment and complementary medicine
- Hospital stays in the general ward
- Emergency transport and search and rescue operations
- Treatment abroad in emergencies
How the standard model works
The classic form of mandatory basic insurance covers you for the cost of outpatient treatment and treatment in the general ward of a contract hospital in your canton of residence.
- You have a free choice of doctor anywhere in Switzerland and can consult your doctor directly
- Initial consultation from the doctors and medical specialists of santé24 telemedicine centre on +41 44 404 86 86 also possible any time
- Optimise your premiums: switch to one of the alternative basic insurance models and benefit from attractive premium discounts
To the alternative models
Exclusive services and advantages free to all SWICA customers
- Free, 24-hour telemedicine service from santé24 doctors and medical staff
- SWICA customer service available 24/7 in Switzerland and abroad
- Expert advice on medication, exercise, nutrition, medicinal plants and vaccinations
- active4life programme with 100 benefits and discount offers at selected partners
Discover all of the advantages

We are happy to advise you
Would you like more information on SWICA or a personal consultation? Client Services would be happy to assist. Call us on +41 58 800 99 33 or send us a message using the contact form below.Request a consultation Calculate your premium
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